The Dadversity Podcast

This is the story of Ian Macbeth, one of the most driven dads we've met so far in Dadversity. 

Interviewing Ian felt like interviewing a dad that's created a mindset of always going after what's next, and never settling for what you have. When you peel back the layers, there's a real sense of resilience, confidence and desire to test himself, just to see how far he can climb.

After completing his first 100-mile race, he found adversity in the shape of failing to complete another. Was the first race a fluke, or did this dad have the mental fortitude to come back and do it again?

What is The Dadversity Podcast?

It's hard being a dad. Life suddenly becomes very unselfish. Relationships, friendships, finances, fitness - all of these things can slide, as you desperately try to keep things under control.

You don't want that to happen. I haven't met a dad that wants to face adversity with these things. They don't want to balloon in weight, check their bank balance for a nursery fee, or dread going home because their relationship is on the rocks.

So we built Dadversity to help inspire dads to take action. This is the place where you take the first step to become a better version of you. Ready? Let's get to work.