Show Notes
The Ruby Blend - Episode 19
Welcome to The Ruby Blend! Today we have a new panelist with us, Eric Berry, who was the founder of CodeFund, and has worked with Andrew and Nate for a while. On this episode the guys will discuss Metaprogramming. What is it and how does it work? We will also learn about JSON Schema, ModelProbe, Slim, Haml, Tailwind, and ERB. So much interesting information! Download this episode now to find out what makes Andrew blush! ☺
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Show Notes:
00:01:43 ] Eric gives us a little background of himself and working with Nate. Nate gives us his background in metaprogramming and what the problems were with the company that you solved through metaprogramming and the way you solved them. He also tells us what aspect he would have changed.
00:06:57] Nate talks about how metaprogramming works, and he gives us examples of times in his career where he found that metaprogramming has across as being a really great tool that he was able to use.
00:09:18] Eric and Nate explain what metaprogramming is. Eric brings up using JSON Schema.
00:16:14] Nate tells us about the rails standard package and what came of that and what people are doing right and wrong in today’s world with rails. He mentions a gem called ModelProbe.
00:18:49] Nate talks a little bit about how he’s used concerns and when a concern would be the way to go versus keeping in line or doing something else.
00:22:27] Eric switches gears to Andrew and gives him high praises which makes him blush. ☺ Andrew then talks about other templating engines he’s used and the pros and cons of them.
00:30:05] The guys chat about Tailwind and ERB.
00:36:07] Nate revisits how they name concerns and then explains the pattern he uses and why he uses it. He also tells us what the outcome has been, the upfront cost that he sees, and the reward long-term.
00:42:07] Andrew ends with one more plug which is to check out Bridgetown RB!
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