Nicole & Kate Can Relate

There comes a time when the scales have to tip: you consume to learn, but then what about producing… Isn’t that where the true learnings and experience come from?

In this episode we’ll share our own personal experiences with the different stages of consuming and producing, and how each benefits us in different ways.

Show Notes

There comes a time when the scales have to tip: you consume to learn, but then what about producing… Isn’t that where the true learnings and experience come from?

In this episode we’ll share our own personal experiences with the different stages of consuming and producing, and how each benefits us in different ways.

Points Discussed in this Episode
  • Does consuming sap your creative energy, making it more difficult to produce? 
  • Different types of consuming - not all content is created equally!
  • Our own experiences with producing versus consuming
  • Are energy levels expended at different rates based on the type of producing you’re doing?
  • The many different phases and stages of consuming and producing 

Mentioned in this episode: 

Thank you so much for joining us for this episode where we share our own experiences answering the question: Consuming vs. Producing: Should there be a balance?

Don’t forget to follow or subscribe to Nicole & Kate Can Relate for more episodes like this one! 

Our mission with this podcast is to share a candid convo one time per week to help provide love, support, and space for women to share without judgment, speak without hesitation, and learn from each other - even when we don’t agree.

What is Nicole & Kate Can Relate?

We're Nicole & Kate! Friends, confidants, accountability partners, and we’ve been supporting each other over the years sharing our ups and our downs and hashing out the big questions of life - do we want kids? Can we have it all? How do we stay healthy and keep our businesses running smoothly without major stress and overwhelm? We talk things out ‘cause that’s what real friends do - they provide love, support, and space for one another to share without judgement, speak without hesitation, and learn from each other - even when we don’t agree.