TBD - To Be Determined

"The Jaunt" by Stephen King - Don't hold your breath

Show Notes

Theme: x
Time: 34:19

Episode Connections
Authors, stories
. Alfred Bester, The Stars My Destination. Clive Barker, “Hellraiser.” Dan Simmons, Hyperion. Robert Jordan, The Wheel of Time series. Fred T. Jane, To Venus in Five Seconds.
Films. The Langoliers. Back to the Future. Galaxy Quest. Stargate. Contact. The Fly (both versions).
TV episodes, series. Star Trek.
Ideas. What is teleportation, really? Teleportation v. matter transportation. Scientists / inventors in sci fi. Energy crisis as impetus for teleportation research. Testing the process on criminals. What other applications are there for teleportation technology? Joy and fear about scientific advancement. Emotions change when novel technologies become mundane. Remember when pagers were cool? Authors add context to create exigence. Romanticizing the lone inventor. King posits that human consciousness is separate from the body. Sensory deprivation tanks. Anesthesia. What is more horrific - physical or psychological trauma? Faster-than-light travel.  Psychological effects of travel through time & space are often ignored. Reimagining modes of transport is SO sci fi. However, we frown on using humans for radical experiments.
Whoa - Hmmm - WTF. Bill - A smidge of hmmm, and a bit of whoa, and a bit of wtf. But it does not register big on any of them. Dan says … the little flaws take a bit away

Previous episode: Dean Koontz, “Altarboy”
Next episode: Alice Glaser, “The Tunnel Ahead,” Kurt Vonnegut, “2BR02B”

Music Credit: "Ouroboros" Kevin MacLeod (Incompetech.com). Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Link: Creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

What is TBD - To Be Determined?

Classic scifi short stories ... some you know, some you don't. But all of them are worthy of another look.