Riverside Readings

Our Fourth Author of Pride Month has yet to be normalized in America. He hails from Kvikne, Norway, and his name is Bjornstjerne Bjornson. He also won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1903 “as a tribute to his noble, magnificent and versatile poetry, which has always been distinguished by both the freshness of its inspiration and the rare purity of its spirit.” 

In a letter to his lover, Hans Christen Anderson (author of Thumbelina, The Ugly Duckling, and the Little Mermaid), Bjornstjerene wrote, “Here inside myself, You are blossoming despite the winter, and I have sunshine and warmth from You despite the distance.” He was a prolific character and a pioneer in decriminalizing gay relationships in his home country of Norway. Not only does his work and artistry touch on poetry, speeches, and books, but he is also the lyricist behind Norway’s national anthem, Ja, vi elsker dette landet or Yes, We Love This Country. 

I look forward to continuing our journey as we travel the waters during Pride Month on Riverside Readings, a dramatic readings radio show hosted by Trent Mylie.

What is Riverside Readings?

Riverside Readings - A Dramatic Reading Radio Show by Trent Mylie