Let's Get LITerary

We Chat: Olga Dies Dreaming with Doragnes Rivera Bradshaw ’18 ’20MBA ’23DBA

Show Notes

Listen in as we chat about Olga Dies Dreaming by Xochitl Gonzalez, with Doragnes Rivera Bradshaw ’18 ’20MBA ’23DBA. As always, we'll share meaningful segments and discuss how many of these bookish moments connect to our lives. Don't forget about our choice emoji at the end!

What is Let's Get LITerary?

Let’s Get LIT[erary] is co-hosted by Sam Vega, Jen Atwell, and Kourtnie Berry at Rollins College.

Each month you’ll find a new episode on a book we’ve chosen for many cultural heritage months. We’ll chat about our book of the month and give you a sneak peek into what we’ll discuss next! Occasionally, we might choose a special book to discuss.