KMAS & The Fjord Magazine

Jeff Slakey interviews Barb Hubbard and PJ Hopkins from the Harstine Island Theatre Club about their recent performance and upcoming auditions for "You Have the Right to Remain Dead." Barb reflects on her past theater experiences, while PJ details the auditions, emphasizing inclusivity and fun. They discuss the schedule and nature of the auditions and performances, highlighting the welcoming atmosphere of the theater community on Harstine Island.

KMAS is the local radio station in Mason County Washington.

What is KMAS & The Fjord Magazine?

KMAS - The Fjord celebrates what's unique about Hood Canal and South Puget Sound, sharing stories of individuals, examining our shared history a well as highlighting local happenings and festivals. Join us on adventures to discover local hikes, events, and forgotten treasures and learn new ways to enjoy our backyard.