Modernize or Die ® Podcast

Gavin Pickin and Dan Card host the this weeks CFML News Podcast. They discussed the new dates for Into the Box which are now set in stone and signed in blood, and why Ortus decided to change them, hint, it's for you! They announced the call for speakers had 20 speakers and 50 sessions submitted and they reminded you of the earlybird special as well. They announced Adobe's Developer Week, and highlighted other Adobe webinars and workshops as well.

They discussed Lucee 5.3.9 stable release, CommandBox 5.5.0 and 5.5.1, Docker CommandBox Images v3.5.0, ColdBox Elixir V4 and CFWheels 2.3.0 RC. They shared videos to all of last weeks webinars and announced Ortus's May Webinar on Fuzzy Searching with ElasticSearch with Michael Born and next Online CF Meetup "Code Reuse in ColdFusion - Is Spaghetti Code still Spaghetti if it is DRY?" with Gavin Pickin.

They discuss the some upcoming conferences, including updates for for ITB later in the year, as well as some new events, like the VueJS Forge hackathon by Vue School. They discuss what's new and coming soon with CFCasts as well... including some new series and more free content, including some ITB 2021 videos to get you hyped up for ITB 2022.

They spotlight a lot of great blog posts, tweets, videos and podcasts, too many to list, so listen to the show. 
They announce some jobs from and on the web.

They show off the ForgeBox module of the Week - CFWheels - Everything - CFWheels removed a couple of their old packages, changed things up and re-deployed all of their packages again. They have Fully Embraced ForgeBox Packages as it says so in their blog post.

This week's VS Code Tip of the week is Gitlab Workflow - This extension integrates GitLab into Visual Studio Code. After you set up the extension, you can do a lot of tasks right in VS Code, it even supports multiple gitlab instances.

They thanked all their Patreons - they talked a little information about perks for their Patreon supporters, including Annual Memberships with a discount.

For the show notes - visit the website

Music from this podcast used under Royalty Free license from SoundDotCom and BlueTreeAudio

Show Notes

2022-05-03 Weekly News - Episode 146

Watch the video version on YouTube at


  • Gavin Pickin - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions
  • Dan Card - Senior Developer at Ortus Solutions

Thanks to our Sponsor - Ortus Solutions

The makers of ColdBox, CommandBox, ForgeBox, TestBox and all your favorite box-en out there. 
A few ways  to say thanks back to Ortus Solutions:
  • Like and subscribe to our videos on YouTube. 
  • Help ORTUS reach for the Stars - Star and Fork our Repos
  • Star all of your Github Box Dependencies from CommandBox with 
  • Subscribe to our Podcast on your Podcast Apps and leave us a review
  • Sign up for a free or paid account on CFCasts, which is releasing new content every week
  • Buy Ortus’s Book - 102 ColdBox HMVC Quick Tips and Tricks on GumRoad (

Patreon Support

We have 35 patreons providing 92% of the funding for our Modernize or Die Podcasts via our Patreon site:

News and Events

New Into the Box Dates Announced - 100% finalized!!!

Set in stone and signed in blood!
Ortus Solutions is happy to announce we have new finalized dates for Into the Box 2022 and the venue. Into the Box 2022 will be hosted in Houston Texas, Tuesday September 6th through Thursday September 8th, 2022. The conference will be at a new venue, the Houston CityPlace Marriott at Springwoods Village.
Why did we change the dates? Ortus Solutions decided to change the dates for you, the community!
Ortus Solutions is a company that at the end of the day, wants what is best for the ColdFusion community. Ortus Solutions provides content, tools, trainings, conferences, support and development, but we all thrive when the ColdFusion community thrives, and that means more events, bigger events, more opportunities for speakers and attendees, so moving our conference was the smart move, for everyone.

Since we moved dates for ITB 2022 - We extended the Call for Speaker Deadline - April 30, 2022!!!

Since we had to make changes to the schedule, we wanted to make sure every community member had the opportunity to submit their proposal.
Into the Box will be live in Houston in September 2022.
We have 20+ speakers submit talks, with over 50 topics, so it will be hard to make a decision.
Although the deadline passed, the form hasn’t be disabled just yet, so if you want to sneak one in, do it now, sssssh secret squirrel.

Adobe Announced Adobe Developer Week 2022

July 18-22, 2022
Online - Virtual - Free
The Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week is back - bigger and better than ever! This year, our experts are gearing up to host a series of webinars on all things ColdFusion. This is your chance to learn with them, get your questions answered, and build cloud-native applications with ease.
Note: Speakers listed are 2021 speakers currently - check back for updates

Releases and Updates

Lucee Released

Last week the stable release of Lucee 5.3.9 was made available. Available in CommandBox and from the Lucee Downloads Site

CommandBox v5.5.0 and v5.5.1 released

CommandBox 5.5.0 was released. We found some issues due to a last minute change, we rolled out a 5.5.1 patch yesterday, that seems to solve that initial issue.

CommandBox Docker v3.5.0 Images Released

Today we are pleased to announce the release of version 3.5.0 of our CommandBox Docker images, which contains significant upgrades to the underlying CommandBox engine.
Most significantly, this release upgrades the CommandBox binary to 5.5.1, which uses Lucee 5.3.9 as the underlying CFML engine. In addition, this release changes the underlying base image over to use the eclipse-temurin image builds, as the adoptopenjdk builds are being sunsetted. With this change, the underlying Debian version changes to use Ubuntu 20.0.0 (focal). As such, some custom installs in Dockerfiles may need updates to available packages from this distro.

ColdBox Elixir v4 Released

Hot off the presses, ColdBox Elixir v4 is now available on NPM. This is a massive upgrade under the hood, but it shouldn't require any API changes if you are using just Elixir methods. (If you are customizing Webpack directly, you may need to make additional changes.) Please check out the Migration Guide for help upgrading.

CFWheels 2.3.0 Release Candidate

This version has been cooking for a while and there have been many contributors. But since this is my first release a the helm with a new CI pipeline in place, I felt more comfortable doing a Release Candidate first.

Webinars Meetups and Workshops

ICYMI - Online ColdFusion Meetup - "Updating the Java underlying ColdFusion", with Charlie Arehart

Thursday, April 28, 2022
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM PDT

ICYMI - Ortus Webinar - April - cbSecurity: Passwords, Tokens, and JWTs with Eric Peterson

April 29th 2022
11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Learn how to integrate cbSecurity into your application whether you are using passwords, API tokens, JWTs, or a combination of all three!
More Webinars:

ICYMI - Hawaii ColdFusion Meetup Group - Using ColdFusion ORMs with Nick Kwiatkowski

Friday, April 29, 2022
4:00 PM to 5:00 PM PDT
The ColdFusion language introduced the concept of ORM (Object Relation Mappings) to allow developers to be able to do database work without having to write database-dependent SQL.

Ortus Webinar - May - Clearing the Fuzzies on Fuzzy Search with Michael Born

May 27th 2022: Time 11:00 AM Central Time ( US and Canada )
Take a walk through the world of search in this webinar which will show why your database search is not smart enough, explain the basics of how fuzzy search works, and show how to use CBElasticsearch to bring the power of fuzzy searching to your CF application.
View all Webinars:

Online ColdFusion Meetup - “Code Reuse in ColdFusion - Is Spaghetti Code still Spaghetti if it is DRY?” with Gavin Pickin

Thursday, May 12 2022
9:00 AM to 10:00 AM PDT
Find out the difference between DRY code and WET code, and what one is better, and more importantly, WHY.
We write code once, but we read it over and over again, maintaining our code is 90% of the job... code reuse is our friend.
You are already Re-using code, even if you didn't know you were.
We'll learn about the different types of Code Reuse in ColdFusion, and the pros and cons of each.

Adobe Workshops

Join the Adobe ColdFusion Workshop to learn how you and your agency can leverage ColdFusion to create amazing web content. This one-day training will cover all facets of Adobe ColdFusion that developers need to build applications that can run across multiple cloud providers or on-premise

TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2022
9:00 AM CET
Adobe ColdFusion Workshop
Damien Bruyndonckx (Brew-en-dohnx)

9:00 AM CET
Adobe ColdFusion Workshop
Damien Bruyndonckx (Brew-en-dohnx)

Full list -

CFCasts Content Updates


Just Released

Coming Soon
  • More… Gavin Pickin - Publish Your First ForgeBox Package
  • 2 New Series - Individual Videos
    • ForgeBox Module of the Week
    • VS Code Hint Tip and Trick of the Week

Conferences and Training


May 10, 2022
Free Online Virtual Conference
DockerCon will be a free, immersive online experience complete with Docker product demos , breakout sessions, deep technical sessions from Docker and our partners, Docker experts, Docker Captains, our community and luminaries from across the industry and much more. Don’t miss your chance to gather and connect with colleagues from around the world at the largest developer conference of the year. Sign up to pre-register for DockerCon 2022!

MS Build

May 24-26, 2022
Come together at Microsoft Build May 24–26 2022, to explore the latest innovations in code and application development—and to gain insights from peers and experts from around the world.
Regional Spotlights, One on One bookings available and more.

US VueJS Conf

Beach. Code. Vue.
Workshop day: June 8
Main Conference: June 9-10

Adobe Developer Week 2022

July 18-22, 2022
Online - Virtual - Free
The Adobe ColdFusion Developer Week is back - bigger and better than ever! This year, our experts are gearing up to host a series of webinars on all things ColdFusion. This is your chance to learn with them, get your questions answered, and build cloud-native applications with ease.
Note: Speakers listed are 2021 speakers currently - check back for updates

THAT Conference

Howdy. We’re a full-stack, tech-obsessed community of fun, code-loving humans who share and learn together.
We geek-out in Texas and Wisconsin once a year but we host digital events all the time.

A four-day summer camp for developers passionate about learning all things mobile, web, cloud, and technology.

Our very own Daniel Garcia is speaking there

CF Summit

In person at Las Vegas, NV in October 2022!
Official-”ish” dates:
Oct 3rd & 4th - CFSummit Conference
Oct 5th - Adobe Certified Professional: Adobe ColdFusion Certification Classes & Tests

VueJS Forge

June 29-30th
Organized by Vue School
_The largest hands-on Vue.js Event
Team up with 1000s of fellow Vue.js devs from around the globe to build a real-world application in just 2 days in this FREE hackathon-style event.
Make connections. Build together. Learn together.
Sign up as an Individual or signup as a company (by booking a call)

Into The Box 2022

Dates set in stone, blood, you name it
Solid Dates - September 6, 7 and 8, 2022
One day workshops before the two day conference!
Early bird pricing available until April 30, 2022

Call for Speakers - Extended until April 30, 2022 ISH or they shut the form off

Conference Website:

ITB 2021 Videos - Several videos are now Free so you can watch them and get in the mood for ITB 2022.

Into the Box Latam 2022

Tentative dates - Dec 1-2


No CFCAMP 2022, we're trying again for summer 2023
TLDR is that it's just too hard and there's too much uncertainty right now.

So, a lot of energy would have to be spent on making the event safe enough from our own point of view… so best to wait until hopefully Summer 2023

More conferences

Need more conferences, this site has a huge list of conferences for almost any language/community.

Blogs, Tweets, and Videos of the Week

5/3/22 Blog - Adam Cameron - Work with me here - revisited
Back in Jan I posted "Work with me here". Once again we are growing our team, and the equivalent job has opened again (this is in addition to the successful hire we made after the January round, not "instead of ~" ;-).
So if you're in the UK, and fancy leveraging your existing strong (strong) CFML skills to get into a position where we'll migrate your capabilities to Kotlin, this could be a good opportunity.

5/3/22 Blog - Ben Nadel - Considering Approaches To Handling MySQL Key Conflicts In Lucee CFML
Relational databases are magical. And, as I've become more experienced as a software engineer, I've begun to lean more heavily on the database as a means to enforce data integrity (with UNIQUE KEY constraints) and to drive idempotent workflows. That said, I'm still trying to figure out where in the software stack it makes sense to put all the finer details. As such, I wanted to take a moment and consider my options for handling key conflicts in MySQL and Lucee CFML.

5/3/22 - Blog - Peter Amiri - CFWheels - CFWheels 2.3.0-rc.1 Released
This version has been cooking for a while and there have been many contributors. But since this is my first release a the helm with a new CI pipeline in place, I felt more comfortable doing a Release Candidate first.

5/2/22 Blog - Adam Cameron - CFML: with Lucee, true isn't necessarily the same as true
Yesterday I decided to improve my "Tiny Test Framework". I wrote an article about developing the first iterationof this as a TDD exercise six or so months ago: "TDD: writing a micro testing framework, using the framework to test itself as I build it". I use this framework on, so I can include tests in my code samples. The first iteration of this only had the one toBe matcher, and yesterday I decided to add in toBeTrue, toBeFalse and toThrow: just to make my sample code on trycf a bit clearer

5/2/22 - Blog - Eric Peterson - Ortus Solutions - ColdBox Elixir v4 Released
Hot off the presses, ColdBox Elixir v4 is now available on NPM. This is a massive upgrade under the hood, but it shouldn't require any API changes if you are using just Elixir methods. (If you are customizing Webpack directly, you may need to make additional changes.) Please check out the Migration Guide for help upgrading.

5/2/22 - Blog - Ben Nadel - For Consideration: An ArrayFrom() Function In ColdFusion
In my previous post, I took a look at the Array.sublist() method in ColdFusion; and, demonstrated that in order to use it safely you have to create a copy of the .sublist() result. This got me thinking about JavaScript and the Array.from() method. The Array.from() method allows you to create shallow copies of other arrays and Array-like values. Would it be worth having something like an arrayFrom() built-in function (BIF) in ColdFusion?

5/2/22 - Blog - Ben Nadel - Safely Using Array.sublist() To Generate Slices In Lucee CFML
The other day, in the comments of my post on the performance overhead of arraySlice() in Lucee CFML, Brad Wood mentioned that it would be much faster to dip down into the Java layer and use ArrayList.sublist(). But then, in the comments of the Lucee Jira ticket, Pothys Ravichandran cautioned that .sublist() actually returns a wrapper to the original array, not a new array. As such, mutating the results of the .sublist() call would not be safe. That said, we can easily generate a new ColdFusion array from the .sublist() result in Lucee CFML to keep things running smoothly.

5/1/22 - Tweet - Scott Steinbeck - CFDocs Goodies
Some goodies added to #cfml #lucee #Opensource

4/29/22 - Blog - Peter Amiri - CFWheels - CFWheels Fully Embraces ForgeBox Packages
As you may know, many years ago CFWheels embraced the distribution of Plugins via ForgeBox packages instead of maintaining our own directory. But the framework itself remains illusive. There was some work done in the last few months to put up packages for the framework but those packages were being maintained by hand which made them a show stopper for a long term solution.
Well, thanks to a new CI workflow based on GitHub Actions we now have the building and publishing of the packages fully automated. Giving credit where credit is due, the new workflow borrows heavily from the ColdBox workflow. It used GitHub Actions, Ant, and CommandBox to automate the process.

4/27/22 - Blog - Ben Nadel - R.O.P.E. And Battling Post-Deployment Depression
Yesterday morning, I enabled a feature-flag in production that quietly released a new feature to all of our InVision customers. This was the culmination of a week's worth of incremental builds and deployments. And while a week doesn't sound like a long time, every day leading up to it was exciting—every line of code that I wrote was exhilarating. And when it all finally went live, I was dropping party parrot and rocket ship emojis all over the place! But, when the dust settled, the post-deployment depression set in. As it always does.

4/27/22 - Blog - Gavin Pickin - Ortus Solutions - New Dates for Into the Box 2022 and Why we changed them
Ortus Solutions is happy to announce we have new finalized dates for Into the Box 2022 and the venue. Into the Box 2022 will be hosted in Houston Texas, Tuesday September 6th through Thursday September 8th, 2022. The conference will be at a new venue, the Houston CityPlace Marriott at Springwoods Village.
Why did we change the dates? Ortus Solutions decided to change the dates for you, the community!

4/27/22 - Podcast - CFAlive - ACF and Lucee Roundtable, with Charlie Arehart, Gert Franz, Mark Drew and Ben Nadel
Charlie Arehart, Gert Franz, Mark Drew and Ben Nadel talk about “ACF and Lucee roundtable” in this episode of the CF Alive Podcast, with host Michaela Light.

4/27/22 - Podcast - Working Code Podcast - Episode 72: Wearing Too Many Hats
This week on the show, the crew discusses a topic submitted by Mingo Hagen: Do developers wear too many hats, do they spread themselves too thin, and does the work suffer because of it? There are clears benefits and drawbacks to wearing a lot of hats. Knowing a little bit about a lot of things can cut down on communication overhead and enable teams to move faster. But, without specialization, solutions will almost certainly be sub-optimal; and, "best practices" may not even be known to the engineer. Ideally, a team should consistent of both generalists and subject-matter experts (SME). This kind of balance creates a "healthy tension" that tempers perfectionism with pragmatism and keeps everyone moving forward at the right pace...


Several positions available on
Listing over 75  ColdFusion positions from 43 companies across 36 locations in 5 Countries.

0 new jobs listed this week

Other Job Links

ForgeBox Module of the Week

CFWheels - Everything

CFWheels removed a couple of their old packages, changed things up and re-deployed all of their packages again. They have Fully Embraced ForgeBox Packages as it says so in their blog post. 

Core -
Base Template -
Hello Dynamic Template -
Hello Pages Template -
Hello World Template -

And many more plugins etc

VS Code Hint Tips and Tricks of the Week

Gitlab Workflow

This extension integrates GitLab into Visual Studio Code. After you set up the extension, you can:

View GitLab issues and merge requests. View issues, comments, merge requests, and changed files in the sidebar, or build a custom search to meet your needs.
  • Create and review merge requests.
  • Validate your GitLab CI/CD configuration locally with a command.
  • Manage your pipelines. View your pipeline status and open the related merge request. With advanced pipeline actions, you can create, retry, or cancel a pipeline.
  • Manage snippets. Create and insert snippets, and apply snippet patches.
  • Browse a GitLab repository directly in Visual Studio Code without cloning it.
  • Auto-complete GitLab CI/CD variables in your .gitlab-ci.yml pipeline file, and any file beginning with .gitlab-ci and ending with .yml or .yaml, like .gitlab-ci.production.yml.
Big win: Supports multiple GitLab instances.

Thank you to all of our Patreon Supporters

These individuals are personally supporting our open source initiatives to ensure the great toolings like CommandBox, ForgeBox, ColdBox,  ContentBox, TestBox and all the other boxes keep getting the continuous development they need, and funds the cloud infrastructure at our community relies on like ForgeBox for our Package Management with CommandBox.

You can support us on Patreon here

  • Bronze Packages and up, now get a ForgeBox Pro and CFCasts subscriptions as a perk for their Patreon Subscription.
  • All Patreon supporters have a Profile badge on the Community Website
  • All Patreon supporters have their own Private Forum access on the Community Website
  • Annual Memberships, pay for the year and save 10% - great for businesses.

  • John Wilson - Synaptrix 
  • Eric Hoffman
  • Gary Knight
  • Mario Rodrigues
  • Giancarlo Gomez
  • David Belanger
  • Dan Card
  • Jonathan Perret
  • Jeffry McGee - Sunstar Media
  • Dean Maunder
  • Joseph Lamoree
  • Don Bellamy
  • Jan Jannek
  • Laksma Tirtohadi
  • Carl Von Stetten
  • Jeremy Adams
  • Didier Lesnicki
  • Matthew Clemente
  • Daniel Garcia
  • Scott Steinbeck - Agri Tracking Systems
  • Ben Nadel 
  • Brett DeLine
  • Kai Koenig
  • Charlie Arehart
  • Jonas Eriksson
  • Jason Daiger
  • Shawn Oden
  • Matthew Darby
  • Ross Phillips
  • Edgardo Cabezas
  • Patrick Flynn
  • Stephany Monge
  • John Whish
  • Kevin Wright
  • Peter Amiri

You can see an up to date list of all sponsors on Ortus Solutions' Website

★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★

What is Modernize or Die ® Podcast?

Technology is ever changing, blink and you miss it, until now. This podcast keeps you up to date on everything ColdFusion related. News, Engine and Package Updates and Releases, Webinars Meetups and Workshops, CFCast updates, Conferences, Blog Tweets and Videos the Week from the Community, Job offerings, as well as the ForgeBox module of the Week and the VS Code Hint Tip and Trick of the week.