The ROGO Foundation Podcast: Strategies for a Thriving Church

The ROGO Foundation and Adelfi talk about how how younger generations are changing the business landscape (even the financial one). They have a conversation about the finance and banking industry, some of the changes they are seeing as younger generations are making up a larger percentage of the customer base and workforce and what Adelfi did to pivot their brand to meet their expectations.

Show Notes

The ROGO Foundation and Adelfi talk about how how younger generations are changing the business landscape (even the financial one). They have a conversation about the finance and banking industry, some of the changes they are seeing as younger generations are making up a larger percentage of the customer base and workforce and what Adelfi did to pivot their brand to meet their expectations.

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Diversity, inclusivity and social responsibility have quickly become the hallmarks of younger generations as they consider who they work for, buy from or even bank with. More and more younger generations are expecting that companies have a social mission that benefits society, shares their values, and operates in sustainable and responsible ways. As younger generations continue to make up more of the workforce and a larger segment of potential customers, businesses, nonprofits and brands are pivoting to focus on attracting younger audiences. 

Some key insights are that:
-61% of Gen Z says they’d pay more for products or services that are produced in an ethical and sustainable way.
-Almost half of Gen Z and millennials would rather be unemployed than unhappy in a job (A majority of them putting their personal happiness over work). Two in five Gen Zers and millennials said they’d take a lower-paying salary if it meant they were purposefully contributing to society.
-More than half of Gen Z says they will research a company to ensure it aligns with their position on corporate social responsibility before making a purchase.
-Gen Zers tend not to trust the average American company at a rate (42%) higher than that of millennials (30%), Gen Xers (28%) and baby boomers (26%). Gen Zers are both practical and skeptical, their focus is on quality and authenticity.


What is The ROGO Foundation Podcast: Strategies for a Thriving Church?

A podcast that features collaborative leadership discussions with people who are working to rebuild the church in a time of unprecedented change. The ROGO Foundation Podcast explores the challenges the church faces across our nation and talks through potential ways to overcome them. We’ll provide you with conversations relevant to church leaders and church attendees that will get you thinking about how your church is doing, specific to that episode’s topic. We dive into conversations around the topics of leadership, staff culture, guest experience, crisis management, church adoptions, and so much more.

Get ready for topics like…
- Giving Tuesday strategies, expectations & best practices
- How to grow your church's influence and reputation in your community
- How to reach more and retain more
- Effective ways to connect with and grow your church's top givers
- How to address toxic church staff or members
- The anatomy of a church adoption and so much more...

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