Power Triangle

Beware all ye who dare enter. Things just get stickier and stickier in the Triangle, as the team reunites to do battle with spiritual geomorphism, eternal drum solos, and one father's obsession with being fully sock-prepared for all house-fire contingencies. So layer up, suckers; these angles are nothing if not pointed. Featuring Bobbie Harless, Sarah McCartan, Tom McCartan, Finn Wrisley, and Justin Zeppa.

Show Notes

Beware all ye who dare enter. Things just get stickier and stickier in the Triangle, as the team reunites to do battle with spiritual geomorphism, eternal drum solos, and one father's obsession with being fully sock-prepared for all house-fire contingencies. So layer up, suckers; these angles are nothing if not pointed. Featuring Bobbie Harless, Sarah McCartan, Tom McCartan, Finn Wrisley, and Justin Zeppa.

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What is Power Triangle?

Every few millennia, the planets align and a mysterious entity reveals itself to the inquisitive. Join our intrepid team of seekers as they brave the cosmic elements and enter a triangulated crossfire of ideas. Should you be among the worthy, then you too may unlock the secret truths floating inside a space we call... the Power Triangle.