
A new linguistic pathway that allows us to communicate w/a previous version of ourselves!

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Speaker 0 (0s): Whoo her all my friends had a daughter. We got a joke for you guys. I guess ladies, you, ladies and gentlemen, and everybody taking the time to spend a few minutes with me, I'm gonna make you laugh right off the bat that are you ready? Y are good looking. People are always busy. Why are a good looking? People are always busy. Well, I a tell you, but I'm busy. 

Whoo you know, I love you. Right I hope every one of you listening to this right now is about to whim bark on a beautiful day, on a beautiful journey with some beautiful people that love you and that you want to be with him. I'm so excited for today. You have a wake up and just feel phenomenal if you don't do it tomorrow, just do it. 

Wake up. You know what you know, the trick is when you go to bed, tell yourself when I wake up in the morning, I'm a fool. I'm going to feel amazing. When I wake up in the more I'm going to feel amazing. Say that to yourself, 10 times every night. And I bet you start waking up feeling amazing. Try it. Those guys George is crazy. You can't just say it and do it. Why not just try it? What are you got to lose? What are you going to lose? That's kind of like that same thing, you know, I've always been able to, and some of you, you can probably do this too, are you probably knew people that can. 

And if you know people that can and I can do what that means, you can do it. You know what it is. If you just tell yourself, like, give her, have to like wake up for any event and you were afraid like, Oh no, I'll set my alarm, but it was a tool arm. So I wake up on time. Instead of doing all that, just tell yourself I got to wake up at six. I gotta wake up at four 30. I got to wake up at four 30. Tell that to yourself a hundred times before you go to bed. And I guarantee you, you wake up at four 30, you just trying to mix and match it with I'm going to wake up early and feel amazing to see what happens, test it out. 

Why not give it a try? Works for me. I want to talk today about this ongoing idea I have about the next Dimension of Language. I got some really deep insights with some spiritual teachers a while back, like two weeks ago, just had this long session of deep thinking. And I want to share with you what I came up with. 

The first thing I came up with is I'm sure all of you have heard or read or thought about living your life as a novel. You all are the main character in your novel, or if you're not the main character or maybe your a supporting character. But if that's the case, I hope that you worked with him was becoming the protagonist and is easy to its. I have found that it's easier to make changes in your life. 

If sometimes you can zoom out and look at it from a third, a third person perspective. And the idea of living in a novel is the idea that has helped me do that. So think of yourself as a character on a novel and your trying to get the attention of the author. You want a bigger part. So you start doing things in the novel to get their attention. Maybe you start doing some heroic deeds. Maybe you were a supporting character. 

However, all of a sudden, all of these heroic deeds can not be ignored. And now the author must give you a bigger role. What's that old pique Floyd saying that says, don't trade a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage. If your, if you feel you've been sequestered to the realm of supporting actor or supporting antagonist or a protagonist or a minor character to start doing some things that the author cannot avoid. 

Seeing you start doing some things that are going to force you to get the lead role. Now, the insight I had, I had to set it up with that. I had it try to live it every day as if it is the last page of the greatest. Well you've ever written are you've ever read. You are not at the end, have a novel. Sometimes you will be like, Oh, I never saw that coming. 

Or, Oh my gosh, this, this had everything. I can't wait. I can't. When you do to the last page and see what happens when looking at your life, not only as that novel, but every day as the last page of a group novel. And then you can start thinking about, wow, I bet your right around the corner. Something amazing is about to happen. I bet you right around me sometime today on this last page, something amazing was going to happen. 

That's going to tie everything together. I'm going to get this amazing insight. Oh, you know what? The guys going to get the Yeah girl at the end of this, the girls going to fall in love. He finally becomes a dad and And and he enlightened, you know, his children. He finally builds that bridge back to the relationship. They finally make it, they overcome it. At first, they get over the wall, they overcome the obstacle. They did love each other. I knew she loved him. 

I love the world. This is magic. I love it. When it happens like this, you see where I'm going. If you look at it every single day as the last page of a phenomenal novel, your life will be better. That was the first insight I have. I've been applying it. And I got to tell you, I think it works. It really does. That was the minor insight I have moving on towards my life. 

Mention Allity of Language in the evolution of Language. Are you ready? 80 for this? It took me a while to process cause like any great idea. It took it. It took some stretching. One of the mind to create a new linguistic pathway to get this out. So bear with me as I present this to you, you may want to go back and listen to my previous ideas about a new dimension of Language. 

Let me just stop it for those people who were not up to speed about some of the prior work I've done on it prior to giving you the idea I'm about to my ideas were that in order for us to move forward as a culture and a society and to solve the problems we are, we have to have a new linguistic pathways. We, we need a new dimension of Language and my idea for a new dimension of Language, it was to have a new prefix and suffix. 

That was my beginning inside that I had a few months ago about the dimensionality of Language. Cause it needs to be orthogonal. You know what I mean? By that it needs to have, have two points come in together. So that would mean that right. It would be another Dimension on top of the Language right. We already have. So we already, we already have passed. What is it kind of, we already have a feeling kind of, so what does suffix and prefix would do is it would denote intention and the object is to get away from the ambiguity of Language right? 

We already have so many words. We already have so many concepts that right. Our Language the reach of our Language has exceeded its grasp. All right, we have this really long arm of Language, but no opposable thumb to grasp the concept. We can use all of these words to speak to another person. However, we are unsure if they are truly right, seeing the same thing that we are talking, talking about. 

I also argued that when you truly communicate with people, you will see their body react. Their face will get flushed. They may get goosebumps. They may cry. They may laugh. That is when you are truly communicating with people when you're actively listening and you're seeing those kind of reactions. However, the majority of my last few insights we're on this new prefix and suffix that denote intent, a positive intent and a negative intent. 

And if something is spoken in a positive intent that takes away the ambiguity from maritime law and contract law and user agreements, right, just too, just to follow up in 10 is a difference between manslaughter and murder. One of the ambiguity of Language is something that's yielded by large corporations and governments to weasel their way out of doing what's right? 

However, it's most commonly used by insurance companies and they just love, love, love it. They love it. Whatever they can do to f**k you out of the money they owe you. That should be the insurance company model. We're here to f**k you out of what you deserve. Thanks for paying us. We're going to try to find a way to never pay you back. Okay. So please go back and check those out. Cause there's a lot of good information in there. And now that I've built this up and gave you all this suspense, are you ready to hear what the next level is? 

The next level, the next Dimension of Language is being able to talk to yourself in the past. Yeah. You heard me Right you heard me, right? It it's just think about it. I'll get you another, another few seconds. Don't say that stupid and impossible. Okay. By saying, don't do that. You probably doing that right now. Trying and clear your mind and just think about this. Subjectively, what would the world looked like? 

If you are today, you can talk to yourself in the past. Would the world looked like today? If you from the future can talk to your present self, it seems impossible, right? Wrong. It's happening. You just not aware of it. It's already happening, but you are not aware of it or you ready? 

Okay. Here we go. Every time you something, you reconstruct that event, you don't remember it as it was you're reconstructing. If you look at John, if you look at the neurological research being done on memories, you can see the photographic evidence via FMR eyes and other types of brain research being done. 

The magnetic resonance, all of those things. I like just, just look it up, go on Google stall there and look up the creation of memories. And you can look it up. You can read the controlled double blind placebo studies. It's all there. Every time you think of something that happened in the past, you're re creating it. It's a memory you're re membering it. See you. 

Now you see what's happening here. We're tying speech to actually Vince. In the past, you are re membering it you're re creating it. So if you change the meaning of that event in the past, you have changed the event in the past. And once you see the mistake you made in the past, and you change your point of view, that process of learning, not always, but most likely allows you from repeating that same mistake. 

If you keep making the same mistake in the future that you made in the past, you do not learn. You did not remember. We need to recreate that memory. I know 

Speaker 1 (13m 52s): It all right. My friends, here we go. Here. It is. In a nutshell, not even in a nutshell, here is the idea. Are you ready for this? I'm excited. Here we go. Try to stay with me. I would argue that taking the time to think critically about a previous event, eight time, when you f****d up royally at a time when you really screwed the pooch, you know what I'm talking about? 

Think about one of those times that you have regret about a time where you did something that you knew was wrong, or are you with me? Okay. Then taking the time to think critically about it, taking the time, to be honest with yourself and really understand why you did what you did. What was the purpose? 

Was it a defense mechanism? Was it your ego? Was it jealousy? Was it anger? Whatever it was. If you take the time, the serious time to think long and hard about it, you will discover what it was. You will discover the why of why you did it. And once you have accomplished that, then you can recreate. You can re remember the event without the attachment of emotion you can recreate. 

You can remember that event without the guilt, for the negative aspects of it, this recreation, this right, the membered event, reconstructed without emotion, without guilt Can and will literally change the meaning of that event. Are you with me? It will change the past. It will change your personal history. You will, you we'll have traveled back. You know, you're talking to yourself in the past. 

You're recreating that event. I know what your thinking, all your George. This is not really talking to yourself in the past. That's just changing the meaning of all of your previous experience to you. I say, no, that's wrong because when you have done this and I mean really put in the work to change how you think about a previous event and you are ascribed to a new meaning, a new purpose to it. You will have literally created a new neural pathway, a new linguistic pathway that I am willing to bet could be researched, observed, documented, and verified via FMR. 

I and be proven, but that's not even, it's not even the magical is not even the beautiful and its not even the amazing part. The magical, beautiful, amazing Part is in your life today or tomorrow when you encounter a similar event, like the one you went back and recreated, the one you went back and created a new neural pathway for you will react differently. You will not make that same mistake. 

That event that you knew was wrong, where you f****d up, you will not be able to f**k up again because you won't because you wind back in time and you changed your history. You've changed the experience in the past. You time traveled back in time and changed the event you communicated with a previous version of you. And you know, you it's it's, you've went into a different Dimension you have literally talked to yourself in the past. 

You've used your language to talk to a previous version of yourself. And when you encounter that, even in the future, it will be as clear as a whistle that, that my friends that's what that feeling of luck is. That's what that feeling of deja VU is. Have you been out in your day? And you're like, Oh my God, I can't believe how lucky I am. You know what that is? That's because you've literally changed it from the future. That's what that deja VU feeling is. 

Like, I feel like I've done this before you have done this before. That's the way it's an unknowable. It it's something that we, we didn't understand. But that feeling of deja VU is because you have communicated with yourself in the future. We don't know how to recognize that yet, but your do now, thanks. George think about is the word and luck, the word deja VU or like these undefinable concepts that are really vague and ambiguous and remember part of the next Dimension to take away the ambiguity. 

But what luck in what deja VU really is, is the recognition of you are communicating with yourself in another dimension and a recognition of you communicating with yourself a way of going back in, in understanding what you were trying to teach yourself. It's a recognition of communication with a version of yourself that has already been through this experience in that feeling of lucky. Is this him talking to myself, this feeling of deja VU, this odd connection, this certain genus acquires is the recognition of you understanding that you changed the event, you got the lesson and now you can move forward. 

That is what luck is that his with a deja VU is its you communicating with yourself in the future. Like just think I got a, have you ever thought of herself like, Oh I sure am lucky. This is happening. Have you ever heard the phrase? The harder I work, the luckier I get? How about karma? How about you get what you deserve? How about you get out of it? What you put into it. You see these are all of these verbal pathways. These are old linguistic constructs that are saying to you what I am saying to you now only I'm saying it in a way that 

Speaker 2 (20m 58s): It has not been said before, right? 

Speaker 1 (21m 2s): This is a new linguistic pathway. This is the next dimension of Language. This is you talking to yourself in the past. And then once you can recognize that if you just take a few seconds to, to digest this and understand that is fundamentally changes. Everything we know about Language to me, everyone, you are constantly changing your past. You're constantly talking to yourself in the past. It's just that you're not conscious of it. 

You can recreate your history. Your past you must is the only way to move forward. This particular idea, this idea of talking to yourself, this idea, this next dimension of Language and that's exactly what it is. This is the new Dimension of Language that we've been looking for. This particular idea fits into every religion. Be it Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism. Right think about the, the concept of resurrection. That's you talking to yourself in the past, the wheel of Sam samskara. 

If you don't understand how to time travel, if you don't understand how to go back and talk to yourself in the past, you are going to be stuck on a wheel of samskara. God is within you. You have the ability to go back in time and change. You can use your language to talk to a previous version of yourself and change your future though. The Holy spirit, the divine nature, fractal patterns. 

This is the next Dimension of Language. The next dimension of Language is understanding that you can use language to communicate to yourself in the past. Does that blow your mind or a way 

Speaker 2 (22m 53s): We can talk 

Speaker 1 (22m 53s): Time travel. You can go back and talk to yourself in the past. And when you do it, start experimented with the start, experimenting with it and now, and it fundamentally changed as your future. Talking to yourself 

Speaker 2 (23m 14s): For sure 

Speaker 1 (23m 14s): Today, talking to yourself in the past, gosh, it's so hard to get out, cause it's not exactly 

Speaker 2 (23m 21s): How can I nail it today? 

Speaker 1 (23m 24s): You can time travel and talk to a previous version of yourself by reconstructing the memories of the events that happened. 

Speaker 2 (23m 33s): Right? Right. 

Speaker 1 (23m 34s): What you feel today. If you feel the feeling of deja VU, if you feel like you're lucky today, that's the self recognizing the lesson, you went back and taught yourself and it fundamentally changes your future from it. It, it lends credence to the divine nature, insight, all of us who do you get it? 

We are divine beings. You can go back and change your history. And when you do that, you fundamentally change the future. You are capable of talking to yourself in the past and it changes your brain chemistry. It changes your future. I love you guys. I have, you have no idea how excited I am right now. We'll be talking about this. Really been working hard on trying to figure out this, this idea that was given to me and, and I want to share it with you want to flesh it out. 

So I gotta, if you go back and listen to my previous lecture on the next dimension of Language and in the different ways we could take out ambiguity, that's a part of it. But talking to yourself in the past, just understanding that you can go back in time and change it. Going back and breaking door was this idea forever. It was like, you can't change the past. Yes you can. Yes you can. I love you guys. 

You know that my bone in your mind right now, Cause I'm blowing my mind. Love you. So as a social experiment, just try it the next time. Something four to witness the next time, something lucky. The next time you have that feeling of like, wow, I can't believe this happens. It is so amazing. The next time you had the feeling of deja VU, just think for a moment about it, possibly being the feeling of communicating with yourself from the future. 

If you think about this as a concept right now, it's a little tricky at first, but once you begin to really chew on it, once you really begin to think about it, I think you'll agree with me. Deja VU. Didn't you just say that maybe in the future I did. All right guys, a little short one today, but I love you. Thank you for taking time. We are going to keep working on the different dimensions of language and if you get a chance to go back and check out the last one, Cause it dovetails nicely with this one, our low. 

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