Re-Access Podcast

Join us for the incredible Nurturing Episode if you are curious about how we meet and run our Virtual English Classes. Particularly, if you are a student, an alum/na or a teacher. Since we are almost back to school, this episode is exceptional because it is more like a multicultural seminar where we gathered not one guest but all-star speakers, our wonderful professors from Michigan State University and our Access alumni team from all over Russia. Let us know what you think and stay tuned!!! 

We are very proud of our guests: 
Deric McNish, Associate Professor of Theatre, MSU/ Co-author of Drama in the Language Classroom. 

Kirk Domer, Professor of Scene Design/ Graduate Program Director,
Director of MSU’s Arts and Cultural Management Program 

This episode was created by the splendid alumni team: Ainaz L, Aisha  A, Alex B, Anna F and Anna V, Egor B,  Ekaterina Z, Elena D, Elina I,  Jenni A, Kristina O, Sasha O,  Vicky M

Our wonderful tech team leader: Viktoria S


What is Re-Access Podcast?

Join other Russians in a vibrant and encouraging community for those that love to learn English. This cross-cultural podcast brings together alumni of Access and other similar groups, and welcomes new participants that want to hear interviews, recommendations, jokes, quotes, and announcements about opportunities. Connect with us at - Launched with support from