Trivia Escape Pod

Improv comedian Chris Ayers has been conspiring with Spock and Engineer Rachael, but we still managed to ask him some questions about tv romances, crime and punishment, Abraham Lincoln, and James Bond movies, as well as a “Change One Letter” movie round.

Show Notes

Improv comedian Chris Ayers has been conspiring with Spock and Engineer Rachael, but we still managed to ask him some questions about TV romances, crime and punishment, Abraham Lincoln, and James Bond movies, as well as a “Change One Letter” movie round.

Follow Chris on Twitter or Instagram, or check him out at ComedyWorx in Raleigh, NC.

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What is Trivia Escape Pod?

Trivia hosts trapped in deep space. A cranky engineer. An escape pod that runs on correct answers to trivia questions. An array of fascinating guests. Test your knowledge of history, pop culture, science, geography, and just about any other topic our AI can dream up!