Talking Family Law - The Resolution Podcast

In this episode, hosts Simon Blain and Anita Mehta talk to Michael Edwards, Amy Rowe & Roz Osbourne about Abduction and its consequences.

Show Notes

Listen to Michael Edwards (a barrister at 4PB), Amy Rowe (a partner at Dawson Cornwell) and Roz Osbourne (the Director of GlobalARRK which is a charity to support the stuck parent and children) discuss the law in respect of child abduction.  Amy and Michael take us through recent case law in respect of the defences to return orders under the Hague Convention 1980, and the use of inherent jurisdiction, they share practical and specialist insights about how to approach these summary proceedings.  

 In the discussion they refer to: 
Re B (Children) (Abduction: Consent: Oral Evidence) (Article 13(b)) [2022] EWCA Civ 1171 
Re NY (A Child) [2019] UKSC 49 
G v G [2020] UKSC 9
Roz invites us to look at abduction cases from a different angle and the impact on the ’stuck parent’.  GlobalARRK supports the stuck parent and campaigns for change to the current law and procedure.  Follow the link to read their Principles for Change document
Note, just before the end Michael says ‘abduction’ when he means and is talking about ‘asylum’ - this was just a slip of the tongue. 

What is Talking Family Law - The Resolution Podcast?

Guests take on a topical debate in family law in each episode in this podcast series from Resolution. Our hosts, Simon Blain and Anita Mehta, invite family law experts to share their experiences and anecdotes, in an insightful and entertaining conversation.