He Says, She Says, They Say

As we enter the month of Ramadhan and Iqbal gets FOMO from all the food he's missing out on back home, we speak to food writer/journalist Amirul Ruslan about why Malaysian food doesn't get as much love abroad as other cuisines from Southeast Asia.

Show Notes

Ask someone if they want a bowl of Pho or a plate of Pad Thai and they'll get all excited, but ask someone if they want Nasi Lemak and suddenly they're screaming "who are you?" and "how did you get into my house?". In this episode, we speak to food writer/journalist-turned-musician Amirul Ruslan to find out how Malaysian cuisine got left behind as its neighbors win Michelin stars and international acclaim abroad.

Social media links:

Amirul Ruslan
Twitter: @amirulruslan
Instagram: @amirulruslan
Spotify: HH The Archduke

Iqbal Fatkhi
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Iqtodabal
Instagram: @Iqtodabal

Azielia Anne
Twitter: @azielianne

What is He Says, She Says, They Say?

A podcast about conversations on topics that men and women don't usually have with each other... but should. With perspectives from different guests each episode, we'll make you think, question, and most importantly (hopefully), laugh!