I Am... With Jonny Wilkinson

Jonny and Sparks respond to some questions sent in by listeners that focus upon the topic of resilience. How do we come back after our confidence gets knocked? How do we reinvent ourselves after heartbreak and disappointment especially when it keeps coming at us? This episode aims to offer alternative and more inspiring perspectives upon what is possible for us all as human beings. We discuss what would life be like if we were truly and absolutely committed to growth and to revealing our potential over and above everything else. What would happen to our relationship with challenge and with the unknown, with fear and frustration? What might this look like for our performance, for our connection to others and our fulfilment. As ever, thank you for listening, supporting and being open to exploring. Any questions you have for us to look into please send to iampodcastquestions@gmail.com – we’ll get right into them!

What is I Am... With Jonny Wilkinson?

Conversations about human potential, uncovering new connections with life.

Through discussions about peace, performance and potential, this podcast takes you to places you may not expect with people you may not expect it from.