{ YA } Young Adults

The Sabbath is known as a day of rest… but it is so much more than that. It is an intentional livelihood and mindset shift for people of the Christian and Jewish faith. We all know how easy it can be to lose sight of what matters most. Thankfully, the Lord created the Sabbath to cultivate a rhythm of reset and reconnection due to the mundane busyness of life. Join us today as we discuss the origins of the Sabbath and how this ancient ritual that predates Jesus’ birth ultimately points to his fulfillment of being the Messiah. 

What is { YA } Young Adults?

The spot for where NewLifeChurch - Greater Little Rock Young Adults sermon series are shared. If you are curious about Christianity, or needing to grow in your faith, join us as we all learn how we can live like Christ in an ever changing world. Allow the messages we share each week bring life into your family, your friends, and most importantly your own life.