Games Now! Podcast

On our sixth episode of GN! Looking Back we talk with Joonas Laakso, a chief people & culture officer at Next Games. In 2015, Joonas took the stage as a production lead at Next Games discussing the process behind their AMC collaboration on The Walking Dead brand. In this episode, we listen a snippet of his 2015 lecture and proceed with reflecting what has happened between now and then. How is it like to work with licensed IP mobile games? How has the transition from production to HR been like for Joonas? What will the future hold for Next Games? Download our latest episode on Games Now Looking Back series to find out!

Check Joonas' original lecture "The journey to No’Mans Land" at:

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What is Games Now! Podcast?

Games Now! is an open lecture series on game industry trends run by Aalto University. Since 2013, the lecture series has been inviting game industry experts from all over the world to share their insights on what is current in games right now. In the second season of the "Games Now!" Podcast, we introduce our "Further Questions" series. In these episodes, we revisit the lectures of the academic year, diving deeper into topics with questions submitted by our students.