On this episode, I speak with the Founder of Family Office Club, Richard Wilson.
We talk about how to raise capital from Family offices, Richard’s 7-figure marketing funnel and wealth building.
On this episode, I speak with the Founder of Family Office Club, Richard Wilson. We talk about how to raise capital from Family offices, Richard’s 7-figure marketing funnel and wealth building.
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Hosted by Kunle Campbell, who is an operator of a portfolio of consumer brands, 2X eCommerce is a weekly podcast for ecommerce operators by ecommerce operators. We interview remarkable ecommerce founders and leading enablers of ecommerce growth, with every episode promising to give you at least one growth hypothesis or idea you can test.
Our focus is growing your ecommerce revenues from a cross-functional perspective, be it marketing, your tech stack, operations, finance, or customer experience. We believe that by bringing together insights from a variety of experts, we can help you double the throughput of key ecommerce functions.
2X your eCommerce growth with insights from Kunle and handpicked experts.
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