
Part Two of the "Dave has too much beer + gin" pods of the week - and it's a bit of a ride. Shea hangs on for dear life as he keeps the coaster on the rails, just, as the lads chat/slur their way through the issues of the week. Kind of a special edition this one.

- The hopes for a fruitful post #AUnitedFront era are dashed quickly as the MLS & VAR conspire to screw over the Timbers time & time again.
- Shea considers what might have been as Arsenal grab a point at Old Trafford, as well as relishing in the continued Spursy times.
- Dave gives Sheffield United credit for making life hard for Liverpool, as the reds get by in one of those "you gotta win ugly sometimes" games.
- The gin really starts to hit hard as Dave almost falls asleep on pod, & Shea saves it.

Pour a gin & get soaked like Dave, it's a unique one this week.

What is SportsGasmic?

Two South Aussies, one Oregonian, one Nebraskan - all sharing a love of sport & froffies, getting together to pod about it.

Best paired with your preferred alcoholic beverage.