That Remote Life | Interviews with Digital Nomads and Location Independent Entrepreneurs

A listener of That Remote Life reached out to me recently and asked me a great question: "What is the best way to stay in touch with your friends and family while living as a digital nomad, or in other words without having face to face contact with them".

In this Deep Dive Thursday I cover exactly that!

Show Notes

You can find the full show notes at

What is That Remote Life | Interviews with Digital Nomads and Location Independent Entrepreneurs ?

That Remote Life is a podcast focused on helping you become location independent in order to live life on your terms. Serial entrepreneur and traveler Mitko Karshovski interviews some of the most successful entrepreneurs and digital nomads to help uncover the strategies and skills to help you reach the same success. Follow Mitko's journey in real-time as he builds his own location independent business and shares all the lessons and experiences. If you are someone who wants to get out of a desk job, start your own business, and become a location independent entrepreneur, then this show is for you. Visit the show online at