Financial Futures

This season, we’re taking a closer look at each of the five generations alive today and how they like to shop and spend their money. Armed with survey data from 15,000 consumers in 15 countries, experts from FIS will tell us how the way we pay is changing across generations and around the world. How do age, culture, and technology interact to make the generations unique, and which global trends unite us all?

First up: Gen Z. Phil Pomford, general manager of global e-commerce at FIS Worldpay joins us to explain why social media is the new shopping mall for the youngest generation, why they like to “buy now, pay later,” and why trust and personalization are so important for connecting with Gen Z.

Show Notes

This season, we’re taking a closer look at each of the five generations alive today and how they like to shop and spend their money. Armed with survey data from 15,000 consumers in 15 countries, experts from FIS will tell us how the way we pay is changing across generations and around the world. How do age, culture, and technology interact to make the generations unique, and which global trends unite us all?

First up: Gen Z. Phil Pomford, general manager of global e-commerce at FIS Worldpay joins us to explain why social media is the new shopping mall for the youngest generation, why they like to “buy now, pay later,” and why trust and personalization are so important for connecting with Gen Z. 

FIS Worldpay’s Phil Pomford joins us as we explore trends in how the digital natives of Gen Z like to shop and pay. Topics include:
  • How Gen Z is driving the rise of social commerce
  • Why winning the trust of social shoppers is essential
  • How culture and local forms of payment complicate global trends
  • Why the youngest generation is embracing a very old idea in retail
  • How brands can reach Gen Z now and in the future

What is Financial Futures?

The way we move money is changing. Fast. We want control at the touch of a finger-print. We want to send money in real-time – to the other side of the world. We want everything in one place, integrated, seamless and on our devices. Ubiquitous, embedded, fast, standardized, frictionless and secure. Global finance trends are hurling towards a unanimous conclusion.

These are our Financial Futures.

Each episode, we size up the bleeding edge of fintech innovation and explore the trends that are already transforming the way the world pays, banks and invests across the globe. And the mechanisms we’ll need to prosper in this brave new landscape.

Is the world’s technology up to the challenge? Are we?