Meditation Lights with Holly Honeychurch

A divine, healing, supportive offering from the snowy full moon.

Show Notes

A shining meditation full of goodness and light. Received on the night of the snowy full moon. It will help you make decisions, be gentle on yourself and show strength with a compassionate heart. It will help you discern what's right for your heart. You'll meditate on the moon, you'll receive a moon bath of grace. Wise, calm words from the celestial planes honouring your path and offering healing words of love, encouragement and protection.

The blue ray of light I mention is a reference to Archangel Michael holding a blue ray of powerful light that can cut through any negativity.

Music is from my Cosmic Harp track The Angels, They Speak. If you'd like to buy the full hour long soothing track, you are welcome.

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What is Meditation Lights with Holly Honeychurch?

Join me for some refreshing, stress relieving mini meditations accompanied by sacred harp music and ambient sound.