UMN Extension Nutrient Management Podcast

In this episode of the Nutrient Management Podcast, two U of M researchers discuss manure management. What manure-related events and educational programming are coming up? What's the latest on the liquid swine manure sidedressing research project? How is the manure N & P credit study going? What should farmers keep in mind about manure management heading into fall? Thank you to Minnesota's Agricultural Fertilizer Research and Education Council (AFREC) for supporting the podcast.

Show Notes

In this episode of the Nutrient Management Podcast, two U of M researchers discuss manure management. What manure-related events and educational programming are coming up? What's the latest on the liquid swine manure sidedressing research project? How is the manure N & P credit study going? What should farmers keep in mind about manure management heading into fall? Thank you to Minnesota's Agricultural Fertilizer Research and Education Council (AFREC) for supporting the podcast.

What is UMN Extension Nutrient Management Podcast?

Welcome to University of Minnesota Extension's Nutrient Management Podcast. Each month we bring you the latest research in nutrient management for crops and how you can incorporate the latest tips and best management practices to your farm.