Cumi Cheree

In this episode, we address common misconceptions about holiness and emphasize the need to understand God's love and desire for boundaries. The conversation explores the idea that holiness is not about being rigid or uptight, but rather about reflecting God's character and living in obedience to His commands.

Scriptures Referenced

Be holy, because I am holy / I Peter 1:14-16
Filthy rags / Isaiah 64:6
Uzzah and the ark / I Chronicles 13:5-14
Love beyond your crew / Luke 6:32-38
Live out your holiness in community / Hebrews 12:14

  • Holiness is not about being rigid or uptight, but about reflecting God's character and living in obedience to His commands.
  • God's holiness requires us to set boundaries and reflect His character in our behavior, thoughts, and entertainment choices.
  • Forgiveness is an essential aspect of holiness, as God forgives us and calls us to forgive others.
  • Seeking guidance from God, the Holy Spirit, and trusted individuals can help us navigate the journey of holiness. 
  • Living a life of faith requires being vulnerable and authentic in sharing our experiences and struggles.
  • Holiness is a daily process and requires making a decision to live a life guided by God's principles.
  • Holiness is connected to healing and freedom, and allows us to experience the goodness of God.

What is Cumi Cheree ?

Cumi Cheree means "Arise, Beloved." Cumi Cheree is a fresh invitation to embody the rest that comes from trusting God. As we embark on this wellness journey with you, we will explore our personal struggles and victories--as well as those of our guests. We look forward to being vulnerable with you--for it is when we are weak that we are strong.