The Future of Super

With politicians questioning an apparent harmonisation of superannuation funds' influence in local markets, Investment Magazine's Matthew Smith invites to Unisuper's Luke Barrett, general council at Unisuper and academic
David Gallagher, to discuss concentration and intent of investment teams and their proxy advisers as they grow in size and influence relative to the public markets and private assets they invest in.

Show Notes

Luke Barrett, general counsel at Unisuper and David Gallagher, a visiting fellow at the RoZetta Institute, discuss size, influence & concentration of the superannuation industry in private and capital markets. Moderated by Matthew Smith, managing editor, Investment Magazine.

What is The Future of Super?

This Investment Magazine podcast is an in-depth series of conversations with key decision makers, leaders, agitators and stake holders in policy, regulation and within the superannuation industry at a time when the system is being asked important questions about its purpose, efficiency and ability to deliver appropriate member outcomes.