The Myth Pilgrim

St John of the Cross' 'Dark Night of the Soul' is as much bewildering as it is misunderstood. Drawing from my own testimony, I share an original story, "The Fallen Knight" to explain the key features of the Dark Night, and why it is an indispensable gift for our spiritual growth.

Further recommended reading:

The Impact of God (Fr Iain Matthew): An excellent general introduction to St John of the Cross's spirituality, and his concept of Night
Dark Nights of the Soul (Thomas Moore): A brilliant read from an author who is both theologian and psychologist. De-mystifies The Dark Night, and presents it as gift.

What is The Myth Pilgrim?

A Catholic podcast exploring how fairytales and myths can nourish your spiritual journey. The ultimate vision of The Myth Pilgrim is personal conversion and a deeper love for Christ, his Word and his church. Br Lawrence MGL explores theology alongside Disney, scripture alongside The Lord of the Rings, Saints alongside Star Wars … and so much more! Allow the symbols of your favourite tales inspire, challenge and nurture your faith today.