The Bible as Literature

In a biblical narrative that is overwhelmingly anti-kingly, how can one make sense of Paul’s apparent endorsement of governing authorities in Romans 13? Why would Paul ask the church to submit to ruling authorities in a setting where those authorities pose a real and present danger? What implications does Paul’s admonition have for civil disobedience and non-violent resistance? Dust off that vinyl, because it’s time to play a broken record, brought to you by the Pauline School. (Episode 58)

Show Notes

In a biblical narrative that is overwhelmingly anti-kingly, how can one make sense of Paul’s apparent endorsement of governing authorities in Romans 13? Why would Paul ask the church to submit to ruling authorities in a setting where those authorities pose a real and present danger? What implications does Paul’s admonition have for civil disobedience and non-violent resistance? Dust off that vinyl, because it’s time to play a broken record, brought to you by the Pauline School. (Episode 58)

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What is The Bible as Literature?

Each week, Dr. Richard Benton, Fr. Marc Boulos and guests discuss the content of the Bible as literature. On Tuesdays, Fr. Paul Tarazi presents an in-depth analysis of the biblical text in the original languages.