Show Me Your Deck

We begin with a strong reminder to stop, pause, and listen to the intuition that is rising from your molten core, an alarm ringing in your depths. Something needs attention. But first you must still your emotions. Do not let fear roil them and cause them to heave and beat against you. Still them with intention and let them settle so you can hear the message coming up to you from below. There is a connection between your power and your inner sight. Something that allows you to attain a spiritual view of the actions you need to take. It even reminds you that in community you are better, made stronger and more whole by those who can attune to your intuition and bring insights of their own. Because deep down, you are the master of your being, you are the prime mover of your world. You have the power to create the very elements you need to solve this problem, to deal with the alarm that is ringing within you. But to do so, you must strike out into the darkness, your light the only thing to guide you. Plant each flame firmly and start to define a path forward. You have the tools, you have the power, you just need to start with action.

What is Show Me Your Deck?

A podcast with Dean Sage and Jack Kirven where they explore the intersection of oracle decks and chakras, using their original decks to create new insights. Dean's deck is a modern translation of the Tarot that removes gender-norms to reveal the deeper, non-gendered meaning of the cards. Jack's four decks play with the traditional chakra system, examining the way they intersect, rather than using them in isolation. The show allows inspiration to arise from the intersection of all decks using both intuition and chance. Dean pulls his cards as the Tarot reader does, while Jack relies on dice to see which cards his decks will offer up. The result is a reading and a reminder that uses the language of chakras and the diversity of the Tarot.