Under Cover

For most of us, our time in lockdown has consisted of Zoom meetings, Netflix watch parties and daily iso walks to get some fresh air. But for some, going online or outside is simply out of the question. Australia’s elderly population have been told to stay home for their own safety, but what happens when they still need help? And will these few months leave them more alone than ever? We hear from Robert, 92, who, despite the challenges he faces, is still pretty upbeat.

Warning: This story contains descriptions of Christmas in 1967 (which is always a sign of a good story!)

Reporter: Eliza Sears

What is Under Cover?

Under Cover is not just a podcast. It's a phone call, a voice message left for those who are lonely, confused or just need someone to talk to them at this time of isolation. It's a warm and friendly midnight radio for the world. It is a good friend who is informative, trustworthy and is there for you - with stories, songs and sounds to make you feel connected. With yourself, with your friends, with your world.