City Collective Podcast

City Collective Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 21 Season 7

Gifts: Faith, Discernment + Miracles

Gifts: Faith, Discernment + MiraclesGifts: Faith, Discernment + Miracles

Welcome to City Collective Church. In our second week of our Gifts of the Spirit series, Pastor Jason provides a brief overview of the gifts of faith, discernment and miracles. Using 1 Corinthians 12 as a foundation, Pastor Jason shares on what these gifts are, as well as some ways to grow in them. To learn more about City Collective you can visit We would love to hear from you!

What is City Collective Podcast?

Welcome to the City Collective Podcast. Our heart as a church is founded in our belief in Jesus and who He is. We believe that it is through Jesus that we discover the beauty of love and life. Jesus isn’t an aloof deity set apart from humankind, rather He came to earth to welcome us into relationship with Him. It wasn’t an obligation, but a natural overflow of who He is: LOVE.

We hope that you encounter God's heart in each episode and are challenged and inspired in your relationship with Jesus.