Daily Caffeine

Creatives can feel stuck in two worlds: The world of business, and the world of personal development.

This creates a tension between what we perceive as our "Personal Development" – i.e. mindfulness, spirituality, connection, play...

And our "Personal Achievement" – i.e. Money, success, fame....

Most often we try and solve this tension by seeing if we can combine the two. And, while mindfulness DOES overlap and help you at work... it doesn't directly solve your work problems.Sometimes, you just need to learn how to budget, or a new skill, or get more proficient at speaking in public.

And sometimes, you have material success by you're totally burnt out, or despite more money, fame etc. you still feel a huge hole in your life, and no amount of further success will ever fill it.

So embarking on a path of personal growth is what you truly need, rather than doubling down on the comfortable space of work achievement...

Today I want to discuss the difference between the two, and what happens when we mistake one for the other.

Ultimately, to me, we all could use both.

Some of us could recognize with more clarity that a problem you face cannot be directly solved with more meditation. Sometimes you just need to do the work.

And sometimes that extra cash out, that extra incentive for fame...

Well maybe that's not what you're really needing right now, either.

Show Notes

Creatives can feel stuck in two worlds: The world of business, and the world of personal development.

This creates a tension between what we perceive as our "Personal Development" – i.e. mindfulness, spirituality, connection, play...

And our "Personal Achievement" – i.e. Money, success, fame....

Most often we try and solve this tension by seeing if we can combine the two. And, while mindfulness DOES overlap and help you at work... it doesn't directly solve your work problems.Sometimes, you just need to learn how to budget, or a new skill, or get more proficient at speaking in public.

And sometimes, you have material success by you're totally burnt out, or despite more money, fame etc. you still feel a huge hole in your life, and no amount of further success will ever fill it.

So embarking on a path of personal growth is what you truly need, rather than doubling down on the comfortable space of work achievement...

Today I want to discuss the difference between the two, and what happens when we mistake one for the other.

Ultimately, to me, we all could use both.

Some of us could recognize with more clarity that a problem you face cannot be directly solved with more meditation. Sometimes you just need to do the work.

And sometimes that extra cash out, that extra incentive for fame...

Well maybe that's not what you're really needing right now, either.

What is Daily Caffeine?

Daily Caffeine shares 5-minute insights about creating your own processes for personal and creative mastery. From David Sherry.