
Personal trainer, owner of Her strength Studio, and mama to 4 boys(almost 5), Nora Matthew is back!! If you haven’t listened to episode 1 with Nora, I highly recommend it! This week Nora and I talk all about body image when pregnant, postpartum and beyond. Nora is pregnant with her 5th child, and this pregnancy threw her for a loop. Find out how she has coped with not being able to eat or move the way she is used to and solutions to help all of us find the way to loving our bodies right where we are at. Listen to the full episode! You can find Nora and follow along on her website or on Instragram

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What is Empowerhood?

Listen to interviews of REAL moms with all very different experiences that have made them who they are today. MOTHERHOOD IS HARD. Empowerhood is your one stop shop for all your parenting needs. Providing support, encouragement and resources for moms all over the world. Join us each week as we discover the why behind each incredible mama! Every trial can be turned into a triumph, and we all have a story.