Signs Radio

There's 52% chance you are mentally burning out, according to statistics by a job aggregator site in the US.

But before you self-diagnose, listen to psychologist Claire Marsh's advice about what burnout is, how to not get it mixed up with other mental health conditions, and how to treat burnout.

Image credit: Tangerine Newt

Show Notes

There's 52% chance you are mentally burning out, according to statistics by a job aggregator site in the US. But before you self-diagnose, listen to psychologist Claire Marsh's advice about what burnout is, how to not get it mixed up with other mental health conditions, and how to treat burnout. Image credit: Tangerine Newt

What is Signs Radio?

Signs of the Times is a Christian worldview magazine published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia since 1886. The podcast is a little newer than that.