Windows on dementia

There can be no doubt that contracting Covid-19 is a difficult experience for everyone. But what happens when you are also living with or supporting someone with dementia? Sarah France is a Taranaki-based doctor specialising in the mental health of older adults.

Show Notes

It's been a tough couple of weeks as more and more of us become affected by Covid-19. The numbers of people testing positive for the virus are rising steadily every day. 

There can be no doubt that contracting Covid is a difficult experience for everyone. But what happens when you are also living with or supporting someone with dementia?

In this episode, we hear from Sarah France, a Taranaki-based doctor specialising in the mental health of older adults. Sarah is a Board Member of Alzheimers NZ, and has extensive knowledge of the aged care system both in the UK and Australia. 

What is Windows on dementia?

People living with dementia are citizens whose lives matter. They have the same rights, needs and desires as everyone else, but are ignored far too often. It’s time their voices were heard. So join us and let's talk dementia.