The City Table

Do we see our everyday world and our cities as God sees them? Whatever the issue, Jesus paid the price to fix it, heal it, and restore it. Do we think with New Creation minds and see with New Creation eyes? Do we speak to reflect our disappointments over the state of our nations or do we speak from seeing things as Father sees them? How then is new Creation in play and how is our Redeemer-king setting things to rights through us?

We are beginning to plan out Season Two of The City Table and we want your feedback to inform our planning for the future of The City Table! if you could answer this short City Table Season One Questionnaire, we would appreciate it!

What is The City Table?

What would it look like to transform our cities with the Gospel of the Kingdom? It would start with our own personal transformation, flow into the transformation of our community, and then it would spread into our workplaces and neighborhoods. After decades of experience in bringing transformation to various cities around the globe, Jon Petersen and Ken Janke have a passion to ignite "hungry hearts" with the joy of becoming transformational people. The City Table Podcast features their stories, lessons learned, musings and humor. Welcome to the Table where all are invited, all are encouraged, and all are released into God's dream for their cities.