Trigger Proof Transmissions (Cyclebreaker Collective)

It isn't normal to know what we want. 
It is a rare and difficult psychological achievement.”

― Abraham Maslow

I remember it feeling like a panic in my system.

I was in a crossroads of my life, wondering what’s next,
and when someone asked me what I wanted, 
my response was “I have no clue what I want.”

(The truth is, I did know-- I was just disconnected)

Having made it through the other side with rock solid certainty
of who I am, what my purpose is, what I’m creating, 
giving myself FULL PERMISSION to desire what I want,
I can empathize with people who are stuck in “Should I stay or go”
dynamics, not sure if they need to leave a shitty situation,
or frozen in fear of making a decision they will regret.

In moments where there has been repeated relationship ruptures,
we disconnect with ourselves, our hearts, our knowing, our intuition.

If you can relate, just know that it’s not your fault.

It’s in your CONDITIONING to not be present to your desires.

When we are stuck in the conditioning, 
triggered into unconsciousness and reactivity, 

When SURVIVAL becomes our PURPOSE,
we disconnect from the truth of our needs and boundaries.

In that space, Love becomes a challenge (because we turn into fawners)
In that space, Sexuality becomes scary (because sex becomes a performance)
In that space, Money becomes scarce (because we inherently live in an “undeserving” space).

This is why life and relationships become unsatisfying.

That’s why I’m dedicated to the reconnection and rewiring process 
so that you find access to your SELF WORTH.
Which causes you to find access to your BOUNDARIES,
which then leads to having you find access to your NEEDS, 
which then gives you access to a sense of DESERVING to get those needs met.

From that integrated place you can share in a secure way with others
with communication that magnetizes you getting your Love, Sex, and Money game—

exactly how you want it.

It’s all possible if you’re willing to Rewire your conditioning.

If I can go from being stuck and not knowing if I should stay or go, 
to being in a secure relationship, with a family, 
doing what I love, where I love, with whom I love, 
breaking cycles by teaching my son that he doesn’t ever have to perform for love...

Imagine what YOU could do.

Your wingman on your adventure towards co-regulation and your magnetism,
P.S. Ready to learn how to liberate yourself from your conditioning in Love/Sex/and Money?
Ready to learn how to “give less f*cks” about what people think of you?
Ready to learn how to get connected to your needs, desires, and feelings, 
and KNOW that you’re Deserving of breaking those insecure patterns?

I’m taking 5 couples through the process at 
Rewire: Love/Sex/Money on May 17-19th
over 3 days. 
3 days of deep transformation over the topics that most people argue about
in long term relationships. 

Day 1: Healing from Trauma Bonded Push-pull Dynamics so you can 
break the anxious/avoidant cycle
Day 2: Healing from Sexual Shame and blockages so you can change your
relationship to pleasure and intimacy
Day 3: Healing from Money trauma and conditioning that has you living like
it’s shameful or “bad” to earn a good living.

We have space for 4 more couples, and for those who register this week,
the ticket for your partner is FREE.

(promo code: Rewire100 gives you a further 100 dollar discount within the next 24 hours)
[Rewire Love/Sex/Money conditioning here]

What is Trigger Proof Transmissions (Cyclebreaker Collective)?

Welcome to the TriggerProof podcast.
This is the first season of the Podcast which are audio renditions of
Facebook Live Video Transmissions done for the “TriggerProof” Facebook Community.
These were set up by request of our community members who wanted an opportunity to listen
to insights, tools, and strategies to help heal relationship dynamics, deepen intimacy,
and master the fine art of Autonomic Nervous System Regulation so that we can build resilience,
heal from the past, and become active operators of our mind, body, and life.

This first season wasn’t designed to be a podcast, so you’ll notice the audio isn’t
Professional Studio Quality (like it is on season 2 as we’ve upgraded incrementally).

These trainings are designed to introduce and deepen you to the most critical 2 skills we’ve never been taught:
1) The skill and practice of taking our triggers (Nervous System Activations) and turning them into deeper safety and self-love,
2) The skill and practice of taking conflict (that happens in any relationship) and turning them into deeper intimacy between the parties involved.

Not learning these two critical skills at this time in history costs us dearly: Physical and Mental health is on the DECLINE.
Doing this deep level of healing work can break the cycle of Intergenerational Trauma that didn’t start with you.

It didn’t start with you, but it can end with you,
When you're ready, here's what we got:

Upcoming Masterclass "SHOULD I STAY OR GO?" Live Event (Every month)
If you’re stuck in limbo, in repetitive relationship patterns, same arguments, attracting the same patterns, and you want to gain the clarity, confidence, and Courage to create secure relationships

Upcoming "Breathwork and Badassery" Live Event (Every month)
Regulate Your stress, deepen your connection to your inner child, process your stuck emotions and improve your capacity

Upcoming Overview Experience Virtual Event (Every month)
Dissolve your current relationship resentment, heal your attachment wounds, resolve your past and bring clarity to your next step.

Or if you are wanting to hop on a call and discuss how we can support you through your transition and you're wanting deeper guidance on your healing journey and you're ready to break the cycle of inter-generational trauma (divorce, separation, relationship limbo, past trauma spilling into present)

Join my Facebook Group to help you understand yourself, control your triggers, regulate your nervous system and know what's keeping you stuck in these times of crisis: