Guiding Generations

Dive into the premiere episode of "Guiding Generations" as Rabbi Mordechai Shifman illuminates Parsha Emor's profound teachings on respect, holiness, and the power of words. This episode offers a deep exploration of how the high standards set for priests can inspire today's parents in guiding their children with principles of sanctity and respect. Learn how the themes of Emor can help foster a nurturing environment that honors tradition while addressing contemporary parenting challenges. Join us for a journey through these timeless lessons, empowering you to raise thoughtful and principled children.

What is Guiding Generations?

"Guiding Generations" with Rabbi Mordechai Shifman merges timeless Torah wisdom with contemporary parenting insights. Each episode draws from the weekly Torah portion, offering practical advice and spiritual guidance to help parents navigate the challenges of raising children with integrity, respect, and compassion. Join Rabbi Shifman as he connects ancient teachings to the realities of modern family life, empowering parents to cultivate a nurturing and value-driven home environment.