Stillness Everyday

Welcome back to Stillness Everyday, Herodotos wanted to get Alicia back in the studio so they can unpack their relationship and what their beliefs are to creating a successful relationship. They answer a few questions asked by the listeners, and discuss their dynamic and how well the traditional family model works for them. They elevate the new societal norm, where women are the bread winners for the family and how this further impacts society and feminises men. Herodotos and Alicia touch on the importance of covering up as women, and being more intentional with your sex life, in order to attract the right person and not having a history that can prevent this from manifesting. 

To keep up to date with Alicia follow her here or visit his website here. 

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What is Stillness Everyday?

Welcome to the Stillness Everyday podcast where we delve into all aspects of living a life of stillness, from spirituality and optimising your mental health, to health and finance. We discuss finding foods that actually nourish you, investing and finance strategies to assist in financial freedom to reduce the burden of financial stress, meditation practices and ways you can find calm in your day to day.

Our guests each offer their own unique perspectives and world views which we believe will assist you in one way or another. It is our belief that if you can find stillness in these aspects of your life your overall happiness and peace will be enhanced.
