CSU Spur of the Moment

Picture a forensics lab where instead of investigating murders, scientists are solving plant and soil mysteries. Dr. Ana Cristina Fulladolsa is the Director of the Plant and Soil Diagnostic Laboratory for Colorado State University. She studies plant samples from the community and business partners to advise on how to grow healthier plants and food. In high school, Ana knew that she wanted a career in biology. In college, an experience with a farmer in a field that could finally grow tomatoes helped her realize her life's work. Join us to learn about how soil forensics can help a community and to hear Ana's career journey.

Soil, Water, and Plant Testing Laboratory: https://soiltestinglab.colostate.edu/
CSU Spur: CSUspur.org
Theme Music: "Work" by Ketsa
Production: Peachislander.com

Show Notes

Soil, Water, and Plant Testing Laboratory: SoilTestingLab.Colostate.edu
CSU Spur: CSUspur.org
Theme Music: "Work" by Ketsa
Production: Peachislander.com

What is CSU Spur of the Moment?

The CSU Spur of the Moment Podcast tackles the issues of food, water, health, and sustainability by talking with people making a difference in these fields and exploring the unique pathways that have led them to their current roles. Hosted by the Colorado State University System's new Spur campus in Denver, this podcast builds on its mission of addressing global challenges through research collaboration, experiential education, and a shared vision of inspiring the next generation.