Optimise Your Body with Martin Silva

Processed foods are designed to make you overeat.

After eating a 5-pound steak, you're full and satisfied. But after eating a bag of Doritos, you’ll find yourself ravenous and needing more to continue the food high. It can be hard to look beyond the dogma of what we’re told is healthy to eat in today's world. So then, who should we listen to? And what should we be eating?

Listen in to find out...

This week, Martin sits down with the man behind the controversial documentaries “Beyond Impossible” and “Fat: A Documentary 1 & 2”, Vinnie Tortorich. With a background in training A-list celebrities and the creation of the widely acclaimed fitness podcast "Fitness Confidential," Vinnie has revolutionised nutrition with his groundbreaking NSNG protocol, guiding countless individuals towards achieving optimal health through strategic but simple dietary principles.

Vinnie received pushback from the food industry that is designed to keep the masses unhealthy; despite all of this, he stands strong and continues to help people through his work.

“You know you're doing something right when they start coming after you. You’re p*ssing off the powers that be”...

Listen to today's episode to understand the fundamentals of the true corruption of the food industry. It's time to unlearn the lies you’ve been taught and set yourself on the path to true health. Want more help with this? Book a stress-free call with Martin:

About Optimise Your Body:
Level up on your journey with the “Optimise Your Body" podcast, hosted by Australia-based Transformation Coach and former Pro Physique Competitor, Martin Silva.

A true health guru, Martin delves into the topics of nutrition, revealing his proven secrets for optimal health through the best foods and healthy habits. Gain inspiration from Martin's shift towards prioritising health over aesthetics, embracing a clean diet and balanced lifestyle.

Listen to his engaging interviews with globally renowned guests, and explore holistic discussions covering nutrition, training, lifestyle, and mindset. If you're seeking to elevate both your body and mindset, this podcast is your comprehensive guide to sustainably becoming your optimal self.

Tune in to unlock the keys to a healthier, more empowered life with Martin Silva.

More from this episode’s guest, Vinnie Tortorich:
Website: https://vinnietortorich.com/
Free PDF - Intro to NSNG: https://nsng.vinnietortorich.com/product/intro-to-nsng/?utm_source=popup&utm_medium=Optin-Click&utm_campaign=popup

More from Martin Silva:
Website: https://admin620541.wixsite.com/optimiseyourbody
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/martinsilvafitness/?hl=en

Subscribe to our newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/1fe353b57501/level-up-7-day-challenge

Book a stress-free 1-2-1 call With Martin: https://optimiseyourbody.typeform.com/to/lhjdMbYC?typeform-source=linktr.ee

Follow Optimise Your Body on:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1B4oJAgMQE0j4mIfcBikJN?si=mutIZLQdQyi4kO--kL6UTA&nd=1&dlsi=24e7a31335b14b91
Itunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/nz/podcast/optimise-your-body-with-martin-silva/id1524883058

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What is Optimise Your Body with Martin Silva?

Hosted by Transformation Coach and Ex-Pro Physique Competitor- Martin Silva.
Nutrition. Training. Lifestyle. Mindset.
Martin is a true health guru. With a focus on nutrition and the best foods that we can be eating to maintain optimum health.
Find out how Martin's life changed when he put health before aesthetics with a clean diet and more of a balanced lifestyle.
Martin has interviewed some world-renowned guests on his podcast.
If you're looking to level up your body and mindset, this podcast is for you.