You Play A What?

This episode is a brief reflection of what has been going on in my life since I was told not to work for the sake of my own safety. And I think I have gotten quite good at that... A month by month outlook between my last rehearsal to my upcoming rehearsal that is happening when this episode goes online. Coincidence??

Show Notes

This episode is a brief reflection of what has been going on in my life since I was told not to work for the sake of my own safety. And I think I have gotten quite good at that... A month by month outlook between my last rehearsal to my upcoming rehearsal that is happening then this episode goes online. Coincidence??

What is You Play A What??

"What are your plans after graduation?" "What kind of work can you apply for with a Music Degree?" "You Play a What?" These might be some infuriating and intimidating questions for any aspiring musician. If you are looking for some relief, join Vincent every Wednesday, as he finds out from his guest their inspiring stories, grit, graft and all that it takes for them to succeed in the music industry.