
After a month and a half off from the on-pod work, Dave & Shea are back at trying to dissect a crazy holiday period in the sports world.

The biggest news, the Astros scandal. We talk all facets - why is it different, what will it mean for baseball, what are the ramifications, and how do we feel about it.

The other big stories - the NCAA football championship, OBJ slapping asses and giving money - why neither should be worried about, but are. The Ducks end a great season on a high, and Vince meets a famous fan with Port Adelaide ties.

There's been so much fucking sports since we last podded that we really hit it all swiftly, but we also chat about the race in the English Premier League and how it has developed (knock on wood) into a very likely good year for Liverpool.

There's a lot going on. Gonna need an alcoholic digestive to get this one down - Shea can help out with that.

What is SportsGasmic?

Two South Aussies, one Oregonian, one Nebraskan - all sharing a love of sport & froffies, getting together to pod about it.

Best paired with your preferred alcoholic beverage.