The Crennan Project

Jacob Tokay and Zac Cranford join Michael Crennan on the first official episode of The Crennan Project to discuss life, cryptocurrency, aliens, tinder, politics, and current events surrounding st: Judent life. Jacob is a sophomore finance major and the current president of UNCC’s Turning Point chapter. Zac Cranford is a senior history and philosophy major and avid golfer. 

The Crennan Project is a long conversation podcast recorded on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Hosted by Political Science and Criminal Justice major Michael Crennan, features students, staff, faculty, administrators, athletes, and alumni.

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What is The Crennan Project?

The Crennan Project is a podcast with UNCC student Michael Crennan and friends having conversations about real world issues going on across university campuses in America. The show features students, professors, staff, executive faculty, and campus public safety officials.