Humans of Gaming Podcast

Sen-Foong Lim of "Junk Art" and "Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time", joins Drew and Chris for a conversation that covers nearly everything. Sen, who is a provincial martial artist, DJ, professor, parent, therapist, and occasionally a board game designer talks about the tension between parents and their children as Drew and Chris go deep into their own experiences with gaming and growing up. 

Show Notes

Sen-Foong Lim of "Junk Art" and "Kingdom Rush: Rift in Time", joins Drew and Chris for a conversation that covers nearly everything. Sen, who is a provincial martial artist, DJ, professor, parent, therapist, and occasionally a board game designer talks about the tension between parents and their children as Drew and Chris go deep into their own experiences with gaming and growing up. 

What is Humans of Gaming Podcast?

A show about video and board games that features open and honest conversations about games, life, and belief. A part of the Love Thy Nerd Podcast Network.