The Divine Life of Sai Baba

"Indirabai is reassured of Baba's protection" is the 29th Leela in the series. In this clip, Vinny Ma narrates the experience of Indirabai and how she is reassured by Baba of His protection.

Indirabai could not accompany her uncle and his family to Shirdi, despite their many attempts to convince her to do so. Finally she visited Shirdi at the behest of her aunt and felt a great sense of peace there. However, she also thought it was no use coming to Shirdi, because Baba has already taken Maha Samadhi. Upon returning home, she had a vivid dream of Baba, and in that dream her family members told her that Baba is alive and always here to protect us. This reassured Indirabai of Baba's protection even after His leaving the physical body.

This Leela is a testament to Baba's promise that He will always protect His devotees.

Indirabai resided in Pendari, Ratnagiri. She was the niece of B. V. Deo, and she frequently visited his home. She knew that Deo often visited Shirdi and prior to every visit, he requested her to accompany him. In 1917, he and his family literally forced her to sit in the car that was waiting to take them to Shirdi. Unfortunately, she refused time and again for some reason or the other. In 1930, her aunt Athyabai coerced her to accompany them and she did. At Shirdi she was filled with a peace and serenity she had never experienced before. She bitterly regretted not having come before, and thought, “What is the use as Baba has taken Maha Samadhi now, and is not here anymore.”

Upon returning home, she had a vivid dream wherein she was in Athyabai’s home. On a rafter, she saw Baba sleeping. He had bent his arm at his elbow and cushioned his head on it, while both his legs were stretched out one on top of the other. But his eyes were open and he looked at her with intense compassion. Then he descended and walked down the stairs and went outside. There he had a bath and washed his clothes. He then returned to the room and again lay on the rafter. At that moment, Athyabai and her son Vasantrao entered the room. Vasantrao said, “Don’t for a moment think that Baba’s not alive. He’s very much alive. And there is no reason to be afraid as he’s always here to protect us.”

The thought that tormented Indirabai that Baba had taken Maha Samadhi and the futility of going to Shirdi vanished. She realised that Baba was alive and was taking care of them. He protects them every moment of the day and night, and she felt peaceful and happy. This Leela is a confirmation of Baba’s assurance that even after His Maha Samadhi, He will protect His devotees.

This Leela was taken from Shri Sai Leela magazine, vol. 12, nos. 1-2, 1935.

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What is The Divine Life of Sai Baba?

A special podcast series by Dr. Vinny Chitluri which is on Baba's leelas and life history.