Assembly Required: An MCU Retrospective

Assembly Required: An MCU Retrospective Trailer Bonus Episode 72 Season 1

What If…? - Episode 4, “What If… Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?”

What If…? - Episode 4, “What If… Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?”What If…? - Episode 4, “What If… Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?”


It's substitute teacher day and there are no rules! Well...other than the Assembly Required crew diving into “What If… Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?” The fourth episode of the Marvel Studios animated Disney+ series WHAT IF…? takes on a much more somber tone as it explores Doctor Strange's reaction to the death of Christine Palmer. Join Peach3z, Kody, and Patrick as they discuss their confusion on an apparently strong love interest, one really out of place joke by The Ancient One, the possible implications of this series going forward, and much more!

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Show Notes

It's substitute teacher day and there are no rules! Well...other than the Assembly Required crew diving into “What If… Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?”  The fourth episode of the Marvel Studios animated Disney+ series WHAT IF…? takes on a much more somber tone as it explores Doctor Strange's reaction to the death of Christine Palmer. Join Peach3z, Kody, and Patrick as they discuss their confusion on an apparently strong love interest, one really out of place joke by The Ancient One, the possible implications of this series going forward, and much more!

Assembly Required now has a Patreon! Join us at for access to our exclusive Discord server and other Patron-exclusive benefits!
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What is Assembly Required: An MCU Retrospective?

Welcome to "Assembly Required: An MCU Retrospective!" Join four friends as they take a look back at maybe the most significant film series of the 21st century so far.