Adopting Joy

A useful, actionable, easy tips on personal accountability, overcoming procrastination and eliminating overwhelm.

Show Notes

Why people procrastinate? 01:12
Seven simple steps to accomplish your goals 02:09
Don’t wait until you are motivated 02:25
People who typically procrastinate, are especially hard on themselves 03:50
Remember your ABCs – Action, Baby Steps, Confidence 05:00
Why is getting started the hardest part? 06:53
Wasting time in thinking about what needs to be done 07:35
Having an accountability partner helps! 09:00
Writing down your goals 10:31
Is fear holding you back? 11:56
What is “coffee and journaling”?  12:53
Remember your MDTs - Must Do Today 14:41
Celebrate small wins and plan your award ahead of time 16:08

What is Adopting Joy?

The Adopting Joy podcast was created to help you overcome adversity, follow your fate, and find joy, so you can create your best life. Join Colleen Seward Ryan as she shares inspirational insights and actionable tips, tools, and techniques on topics like dealing with difficult people, how to get and stay motivated, transforming your past into your purpose, inspiring dog stories, and more.
An international speaker and author, Colleen has entertained thousands with her energetic and inspirational keynotes in 48 states and six countries. She loves helping others overcome adversity, deal with difficult people and elevate their confidence. Colleen has made it her mission to inspire others to transform their struggles into successes