Data (R)evolution

Imagine a world where databases not only store vast amounts of data but autonomously optimize themselves, predict future trends, and seamlessly integrate with AI.

In this Data (R)evolution episode, we share a fascinating conversation with Soumya Bijjal, the VP of Product at Aiven, and John Joseph Kennedy, the Head of Databases at Aiven, about the future of AI, databases, and data platforms. They dissect the current AI landscape, the challenges companies face, and the transformative potential of integrating AI with data systems. 

Key Takeaways:
  1. Focus on advanced data processing and streaming technologies like Kafka to maintain data accuracy and timeliness.
  2. Tools like Aiven AI Database Optimizer provide automated recommendations for optimizing queries and indexes, which helps accelerate performance and reduce cloud costs without requiring extensive DBA expertise.
  3. Companies should experiment with new technologies to stay ahead while relying on tried-and-tested solutions for critical production workloads.


[01:28] Soumya’s feelings towards AI 
[06:34] Stream processing tech offers trial and error
[08:37] Data quality, trust, and AI optimization impact
[12:21] Balancing new technologies while ensuring production safety
[14:49] The EverSQL acquisition
[18:17] Janki and Francesco’s top takeaways

What is Data (R)evolution?

Data is the fuel that ignites innovation and revolutionizes our world. It’s potent, undeniable, and the driving force for our future.

Data (R)evolution, powered by Aiven, explores the intersections of data, innovation, and economics through the ever-evolving landscape of cloud technology. Led by hosts Janki Patel Westenberg and Francesco Tisiot, they navigate the currents of this digital revolution in conversation with experts at the forefront of change.