Jewish Ideas to Change the World

A hybrid event by Rabbi Mike Feuer

The event was co-hosted by Temple Chai

About the event: 
American Jewry stands at a crossroads. Facing such great risks and real opportunities requires clarity of vision, confidence in identity, and readiness for action. All of these are elements of a heroic stance. Join Rav Mike Feuer in an exploration of what Jewish heroism is, how it can be cultivated in our lives and communities, and what it offers to American Jews today.

*Source Sheet:

About the Speaker: 
Rav Mike Feuer is an educator, content creator, and spiritual counselor. He teaches and inspires people around the world through his Jewish Story History podcast and the newly launched Jewish Heroism Project. Whether working through teaching, content, or narrative therapy. Rav Mike’s mission is always the same – to tell a story of the past that upholds a present identity fit to build the future that we dream.
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What is Jewish Ideas to Change the World?

Jewish Ideas to Change the World delivers thought-provoking content by leading Jewish thinkers with diverse perspectives and backgrounds. It is produced by Valley Beit Midrash.

Valley Beit Midrash (VBM) is dedicated to social justice as driven by Torah ethics. VBM's mission is to improve lives through Jewish learning, direct action, and leadership development.

Listen to VBM's other podcasts:
• Social Justice in the Parsha (weekly divrei Torah by Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz)
• Pearls of Jewish Wisdom on Living with Kindness (Rabbi Shmuly's class series)

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